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Meals & Others


Angelitos Daycare serves breakfast, hot lunch, and 2 snacks daily, including raw fruit or vegetable and cookies.

Milk diluted juice and water are always available. 


Angelitos participates in the state-funded food program which encourages providers to serve healthy food to daycare children.


Please do not bring special food for your child unless prearranged with Angelitos.


Meals and snacks will be served at designated times only (see times below).


The formula for infants is not provided; parents must bring formula.


Parents must advise Angelitos of any food allergies to that proper care is taken.


A full menu is posted in daycare.


Angelitos will celebrate special days, such as birthdays.


You may bring a cake, cookies or other treats to celebrates.


Please advise Angelitos in advance if you have planned from these items

Meal Times

                   9:00 a.m.            Breakfast


                   10:30 a.m.              Snack


                   12:00 p.m.              Lunch


                    4:00 p.m.               Snack


Each child must have at least one extra set of clothing at Angelitos will notify parents when the supply is running low.

Please put your child's name on clothing.

Please leave items of clothing at home that you would be upset if they were lost or damaged.


I find that new children like to bring a transitional item to day care with them.


If this is the case with your child,then item will be put into their cubby hole until the end of the day, unless it is a blanket to sleep with.


Toys from home are harder to share with other children and should stay at home.


Parents are responsible to take home any personal items.


Please do not ask to swap days from week to week.


Two weeks notice is required to swap days permanently.


Do not park in driveways or block care in any way

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